Dear Santa, I know I mentioned you bringing me a pony yesterday...but what I really meant was a pony in pajamas.
You could even throw in some matching pajamas for me as well. Think of how adorable we will be going down the street like twinsies. Hmmm, wait...not sure I want to be compared to a horse. Scratch the matching pajamas.
Ok, on to more pressing issues...How to use Target Cartwheel:
Let me start by's an app for your phone. Download it.
Now that we got the hard part out of the way, the reason Cartwheel is so great is because it encompasses EVERYTHING! They have savings on eggs, fresh produce, meat, underwear, workout clothes, holiday decor, lions, tigers, but not bears. Sorry bears.
Furthermore, Target Cartwheel coupons can be stacked with regular (printed or text) Target store coupons AND manufacturer coupons. That's a potential TRIPLE COUPON PLAY on one item!
Once you have the app loaded on your phone, open it and log in using your email or Facebook. I logged in via Facebook but set it up so that my Cartwheel activity can only be seen by me, because let's face it, your friends only want to see updates of your hookups and breakups, not what loaf of bread you decided on for the week. (If you have already downloaded the app and want to change your settings on Facebook for it, you can do so here. You're welcome...and if you're my Facebook friend, thank you.)
How Do I Select An Offer?
Select the Browse option and scroll through offers or search for a specific item by typing in the brand at the top. Until you unlock badges (which you do by just utilizing the app) you may only select up to 10 offers at a time. Once you find an offer you like, just click on the offer for it to "flip" over so you can select it by hitting "Add". This will put that offer in your "My Cartwheel" list.
If you change your mind on an offer, just go back to said offer and hit "remove".
How Do I Redeem My Offers?
Note: Target registers need to scan coupons in this order for them to work properly:
Printed Coupons
Text Coupons
Cartwheel Offers
You're the best!! Thanks Em!